Hari ini saya mencoba beberapa personality test yang ada di flixster, hasil keisengan saja :D. Dan berikut ini hasilnya.
Which member of Dumbledore's Army are you?Are you what you watch?
Hermione Granger
You are Hermione. Smart and bookish, you tend to plan and, on occasion, over-plan. You make learning a priority, but when faced with a challenge, you can be at least as brave as the next person. You organized the D.A. and, therefore, have a deep interest in all of it's workings. When a strategy needs making, your friends know just who to call!
―Bookish? :P.
What is your perfect love story?In which Hogwarts House would you be sorted?
THE NOTEBOOK - Allie and Noah
You were ment to be togheter, altough you were forced to get apart and spent long years without seeing each other your love will always survive and you'll live your love in the end
―Belom pernah liat The Notebook ^^a *nyontek Juan*
Which Mythical Beast are you?What is your element
You are a Dragon...
THE GOOD: You are true to who you are and you don't big-note yourself to others...in fact you prefer staying away from people unless they seek you out, and if they do then you're happy to be in company...you are content letting others befriend you (essentially making the first move) but you are just as content being alone...you are trusting and nice towards anyone who shows you the same first and you're never judgemental towards others...naturally attractive in looks and personality, (though you hardly notice it) people are drawn to you...but sometimes drawn more toward your aloofness of personality.
THE BAD: You often make the same mistakes over and over in misjudgement of people, causing you to be hurt again & again...the worst thing about you is that if you get hurt too much by someone you truly like... the only way for you to deal with it in the long run is by breathing fiery retaliation usually caused by your own embarrassment...a quick mind, sharp tongue and cutting remarks fly out of your mouth like an arrow hitting the mark, hurting them in the worst way possible...you're often truthful and alot more hurtful than they deserve...it can also be bad for you because retaliation comes quite easily for you to deal with others spite...in doing that, you give people the impression that you're unstable & loose like a cannon, showing yourself as nice then abusive...over & over.
―?? *bukannya bingung, tapi males bacanya. yang paling terakhir dikasih komen :))*
you're hot! a head-turner. making boys kneel before you. haha!
―ROTFL =)) =)).
Which LOTR Fellowship (9 members) member are you?which Final Fantasy 7 character are you?
An Elven prince of the Woods. Graceful, light, amazing vision. Legolas speaks Elvish and is descended from a Royal line and Elrond. He at first doesn't like Dwarves, his people have built a dislike for each other. But his friendship with Gimli over time puts old grudges aside. Dexterous and fast.
―Leggie >:D< *umpetin Legolas*
Which Movie Star are you?Which Phantom Character are you?
Emma Watson
You are an excelent actress at the very beggining of your work. You love making movies for kids although you like to do other stuff too
What hero are you?Which Harry Potter Character are you???
Aeon Flux
Flexible, observant, fast, kind, caring.
―Ga tau Aeon Flux ;)).
An ACCURATE Charmed Ones Test.Which Drew Barrymore character are you?
Paige Matthews
At first, you seem a little innocent and sweet, but you have the world fooled. You can be a real firecracker under the right circumstances. You're a really love-able person with a lot of strong convictions. Of course, this doesn't mean you don't carry a lot of grief, but you know how to deal with your disappointments and pain, and it makes you that much stronger in the end.
―Terdengar seperti saya :P *dikepruks*
Which Slytherin/Death Eater Character are you?Your LOTR main Villain persona?
Severus Snape
Severus was sorted into Slytherin, the house of his mother and the one he believed to be the best at Hogwarts. Lily, James, and Sirius were each sorted into Gryffindor, which was the first disruption to Severus' friendship with Lily. Both Severus and Lily were brilliant students with Severus developing extraordinary abilities with time. He and Lily were the top Potions students, though it becomes clear in Harry's sixth year that Prof. Slughorn, Severus and Lily's former Potions teacher, highly favored Lily and Severus was left as a mere afterthought for praise. However, we learn that Severus corrected his 6th year Potions textbook (which Harry receives by mistake in his sixth year, only to find the previous owner's, Severus', corrections, and becomes quite attached to the book, thinking of it almost as a friend) as it was full of mistakes he recognized, but Slughorn did not. Therefore, it is proved that Severus may have been a better student than Lily, but was overshadowed by her popularity; another dent in their friendship. Severus was also highly advanced in wandwork, having, at some point in his Hogwarts years prior to the end of his 5th year, developed a way of inventing his own spells, which were also printed in his 6th year's potions textbook. Severus's extraordinary magical talents were seen fit for Voldemort and Severus fell in with a crowd of Slytherins who would all go on to become members of Voldemort's Death Eater group; Severus would later become a member himself. Though we learn that Severus reasons for joining Voldemort were to gain power and presence and a sense of worth which he thought would impress Lily, and he was greatly disgruntled to learn that Voldemort and the Death Eaters did not at all impress her. A few short years after leaving Hogwarts, Severus, a member of Voldemort's Death Eater group by this time, was on a mission as a spy, tailing Prof. Dumbledore, when he overheard a prophecy delivered to Dumbledore which suggested a baby would be born in the coming months who would have the power to bring down the Dark Lord. Doing as any loyal servant would do, he blindly returned to Voldemort and told the parts of the prophecy he was able to hear; this would be a grievous error for Voldemort as Voldemort quickly chose to act on the prophecy, targeting Harry Potter, the son of James Potter and Lily Potter (Evans) for death as he was to be born, according to the Prophecy's details, at the close of the seventh month. Ten years later, Harry would arrive at Hogwarts where Severus was installed the past ten years as the Potions Master. With the reputation of being a horrible, malicious, spiteful, and cruel teacher, Severus quickly became Harry's rival as both mutually disliked each other: Harry, because Severus gave Harry no reason to like him, and Severus, because Harry was glaring proof of James and Lily's memory and also Severus' great mistakes in life.
―Sevvie >:D<.
Which ''The Spirit'' Character are you?Which 'Twilight' Character are you?
Ellen Dolan
The daughter of Commissioner Dolan, in her pre-war appearances she tried to win the affection of The Spirit by getting into trouble which required The Spirit's assistance. After the war, the relationship evolved with a romantic affection between the two strongly implied. In later years (in November 1950), Ellen ran and won the role of Mayor of Central City.
―Ga tau The Spirit, asal comot test :D.
Which Twilight Character are you???Would you survive a horror movie?
Jasper Cullen
You are Jasper! You like being on top of things. You are the peace keeper.
―Ga direncanakan atau disengaja! Suer! =)).
Which Harry Potter Boy would you date?What is your love story?
Draco Malfoy
You are a good student but your personality could be worked on! You think you're better than everyone else and can be a little nasty at times. You value the wrong things in life and should treat your friends a little better!
―Ini pasti gara-gara pas pertanyaan tentang karir milih sesuatu yang intinya mengatakan "get a job that make much money!"=)).
What type of person are you ?
You are a very caring person who tends to put peoples needs before your own theres nothing wrong with that but you should take some time thinking about yourself it will do you some good.
―Sepertinya saya menjawab tesnya dengan jujur, tapi kok caring yah *ga ngerasa*
Hari ini saya menyempatkan diri untuk mencari-cari account apa saja yang saya punya di internet, beserta username dan passwordnya. Hal ini dikarenakan saya sering lupa (bukan rahasia umum, yeah...) username atau passwordnya, sehingga saya sering mencoba-coba dan mengkombinasikan username dan password yang sering saya gunakan. Sialnya adalah kalau password dan username tidak cocok-cocok sampai akhir, dan juga belum tentu kalau pada account tertentu itu saya menggunakan password umum, bisa saja saya mencoba-coba menggunakan password baru yang beda saa sekali saat itu, dan saya lupa sama sekali apa password itu.
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Setelah sekian lama nganggur tanpa hape, akhirnya saya mendapatkan benda-kecil-tapi-luar-biasa-dibutuhkan itu. Penting buat saya, paling tidak. Sebenarnya saya sudah mendapat hape ini sejam lebih dari tiga bulan yang lalu, tapi tidak mau mengakui bahwa saya sudah mendapat hape, selain karena hape itu cuma available buat saya pada saat siang hari saya juga masih mengharap dibelikan hape baru :D. tapi ya, sekarang terima nasib sajalah. Welcome, my fourth cellphone!
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